Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The journey of 1000 miles...

I've been wanting to start a "real life" blog for awhile, but just recently found the inspiration to do so.

Aly asked to watch a few movies today. Pretty common. Her choices for the day? Lady and the Tramp, (a current favorite...we watched in 3 times today) The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Baryshnikov, Live at Wolf Trap. Damn, is she my daughter, or what?!

As the latter was beginning she ran to her room and requested her baby pink tutu with the ribbons attached. "Wanna dance with ballet show, mama!" she said to me. Well dance your heart out, baby girl! And she did....

She danced...

And she danced....

And she danced....

Like nobody was watching...because she's 2. And holy shit do 2 year olds know something about life. She doesn't care if she "looks silly" or isn't "perfect"....she doesn't know any better! And to me, she was the most adorable thing I've ever seen, dancing around to the Pas de Deux from Coppelia, wearing nothing but her baby pink tutu pulled up like Steve Urkel...and she was loving it. That's some true happiness right there.

Last week we got back from a trip to New York to visit my family. For the 3rd year, we took her to see the New York City Ballet at SPAC. For the first year, I was pretty sure she didn't actually see any of it...until today. She was watching. And part of me wants to do everything in my power to keep her from falling in love with this art form like I did...because it's cruel, and it hurts; but most of me was on the verge of tears watching her this evening.

I hope she always dances like nobody's watching, in whatever she wants to do that makes her happy. I always tried to, but I think that was my problem. I tried too hard. I'm learning a lot from her. Sometimes, we should all be as open and honest and vulnerable as toddlers.

Misha's got nothing on my little girl. ;-)

Until next time. Happy Hump day!

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